Leverage the past

Harness the future

Make it easy

Geolumina Logo With Orange Gradient

AI that

captures expertise
improves outcomes
captures expertise
fits your architecture
supercharges search
optimizes storage
captures expertise
improves outcomes
scales insight
fits your architecture
supercharges search
optimizes storage
captures expertise
improves outcomes
scales insight
fits your architecture
supercharges search
optimizes storage
captures expertise
fits your architecture
supercharges search
optimizes storage
captures expertise
improves outcomes

Leverage all your data and files, wherever they sit. Never redo work or miss valuable insights from past projects.

Harness the power of AI to automate away the boring stuff. Let computers do what they are good at so you can get back to doing what you are good at.

Easy is our guiding principle. We handle all backend processing and deliver results in an easy-to-use interface.

How it works

Geolumina's NVZN AI system lets you push the easy button for enterprise knowledge. Find anything, anywhere. Automate powerfully.
Create digital gold mines & improve any workflow.
No need to move or organize anything. We connect to your file structure as it sits.
AI-powered insight
Sit back and let the AI go to work. NVZN analyzes your files to expose knowledge and insight.
Meaningful search, your way
Search, click and drag your way to valuable insight in milliseconds. Visual or text-based, find what you're looking for fast.
Unlimited possibility
Supercharge your work day.  AI-assisted workflows,  automated report generation, custom machine learning models are just the beginning.

Something done,
for everyone

Our system is flexible for your experts' needs. From seismic to thin section, from satellite to site plan, computer vision scales your insight.
plot of chemical data with colored geometric shapesthin sectioncolored mapthin sectionrock core box with depth labelslas curves plotted on graphsatellite map with artificial colors

Our Path

The Paak logo2020INC logoEphicient logo

Our Clients

EquinorThe Paak logo